International Women’s Day 2023

International Women’s Day is a global holiday dedicated to celebrating the achievements of incredible women. The holiday continues to highlight the importance of women’s rights as well as addressing important issues such as gender equality and equal opportunities.

Operation: Attend an empowering Women’s Day event

One of my aspirations for this year is to really get back into networking and embrace meeting new people. Although i enjoy socialising, I’ve found myself accustomed to home life… I mean, who doesn’t like to curl up to a nice movie snuggled up indoors? And while this is great, the reality is i’m robbing myself of forming connections with like minded professionals or even people who I can genuinely vibe with on a similar wavelength. No doubt that lock down life, working from home and having a baby (i mean she’s a toddler now!) has contributed to this. But now that Covid is pretty much on its way out (we thank God) and my little one is getting older I really have no excuse when it comes to pushing myself to just get out there.

So, this year I made the bold decision to get onto Eventbrite and find an event to attend for International Women’s Day. Not just any event mind you, my aim was to find an empowering female related event in which I could hopefully pull inspiration from. Surprisingly, Eventbrite has got a lot of FREE events which you can tailor to your interests. After searching through the site, I finally found an event which caught my attention, an International Women’s Day event organised by the Successful Mum’s Career Academy. Successful…Mums… ‘well this sounds like my cup of tea’ i thought, purchase my ticket please!

Successful Mums Career Academy

The Successful Mum’s Business Academy provide an online, flexible and interactive training to help mums find work, start or develop a business. They do this through training courses specifically for mums on their Successful Mums learning platform.

This year, the Successful Mum’s Career Academy hosted an International Women’s Day event which aimed to explore the business sector within the following areas: Clarity, Confidence, Accountability and Networking. The event was hosted by Jane Knight, founder of Successful Mums Career Academy. Guest speakers for the day included: Emily Harper (Founder and Co-Director of the social enterprise and CIC It Takes A Village), Mercedes Gale (A qualified venue stylist, mum of four and founder of 4Yaparty) and Lauretta Wright (publisher at Life In…Magazines and editor of the popular Life In Orpington and Life In Bromley titles).

Each of these ladies shared their incredible journeys to a room filled with anticipated listeners. From first time mums to matured women entering a new life phase, you could really feel the positive energy within the room. What I found great was that each speaker was able to engage with us on a relatable scale whilst posing thought provoking questions which really encouraged self evaluation. Everyone felt comfortable to share their own experiences and partake in the workshop which saw us break off into smaller groups and talk about our business goals/aspirations.

The Challenge

After a great day, the event was then rounded off with a challenge which encouraged us to go away and do some work on achieving our goals. In one years time, (on the 8th March 2024 to be precise!) Jane will be on the phone to all of the attendee’s to see how we are getting on with achieving our goals! I find this really encouraging as you don’t get many hosts that invested in ‘checking in’, however being the founder and a Successful career driven mum herself, Jane is the perfect person to help assist you on your business journey. Thank you so much Successful Mum’s Career Academy for hosting such an incredible event, one which i have left from feeling very motivated to take the next step in achieving my goals. Next stop, levelling up!

Knowing when it’s time to let go

Is it aligned with your growth/healing?

Recognising when something is genuinely not for you is not the problem, the hardest part is coming to that point of acceptance. Theres a turning point in which we all go through when we choose between what we think is right vs what we know is right. Some of us come to that point of realisation sooner than others. The important thing is to get there. Think, does this situation support who I am becoming? Can it elevate me to where I’d like to be? Do I feel satisfied with how this situation is causing me to feel or do I know deep down that I can be happier? If you have to question and keep coming to God to send you some type of sign or confirmation, the chances are you know the answer.

If the situation causes you to feel out of tune and takes you off of the pathway God intended for you to walk on, then this is not aligned with your growth or healing. In fact, it’s setting you back even further from the goal post. Sometimes I have to quieten my own voice and ask God to take control and lead me through certain situations, when I find there are toxic areas in my life that’s when I know there’s to much of myself involved in the situation and not enough of God in the picture.

For example, i might find myself in an argument with someone and the situation gets heated but this is the part where i need to check myself and recognise when it’s time to let go. Yes, i can use my mouth and dish out the most whitty comebacks known to man to tell you about yourself, but the reality is if it comprises my peace, joy or happiness. I don’t want it. I’m good to turn away and continue on my own self development because at the end of the day when it’s time to get called up on judgement day, I can only be accountable for me, myself and I. And it’s crazy, because sometimes when you carry yourself in a certain manner, others might interpret it as weakness at the fact that you don’t want to get into confrontations. But it doesn’t phase me, because whilst I set my eyes on heavenly places and continue to reach a point of peace, I avoid getting caught up in drama fuelled situations that really do nothing for me. This is knowing when to let go.

Are you encountering blocks/obstacles?

I cannot tell you how many times I have tried to lean upon my own understanding and then got frustrated by the end result. Each time i might encounter a stumbling block, the first thing I genuinely do is question why this is happening to me? Why is this so difficult to achieve? I’m channeling positive thoughts, dedicating my focus to trying to make this thing happen and putting it to God in prayer so surely this should have worked out, right? Wrong.

The reality is that whilst we should definitely apply a positive mindset when trying to achieve our goals, we also need to check whether these goals compliment what God has intended for our lives. Sometimes it works out that obstacles/stumbling blocks turn out to be blessings in disguise as had they not been there, who knows what mishap might have been waiting on the other side. Sometimes obstacles are put in our way not necessarily to serve as a ‘no’ but simply ‘not yet’. That thing we desire, might not be ready for us to receive just yet and that’s ok. Because when it’s suppose to happen, everything will just fall into place as if by magic. You’ll receive so much confirmations that it shouldn’t feel like such a mission to achieve. It will be in sync with where you are at in your journey and won’t cause you to stray on your walk with God.

‘You get tested the most when it’s time for you to elevate’

in life we go through growth periods, and when it’s time to progress there may be times when not everyone can come with you. It’s important to realise when it’s time to hold on and when it’s time to let go. Letting go doesn’t have to be a permanent thing, but I think it’s very much a case of recognising and ‘accepting people for who they are, but also recognising where they should be placed in your life…’ there is such a thing as seasonal relationships and that’s ok. Because you usually find that the best encounters of your life come just on time, when you are at the perfect place in your life to receive them. I think that’s why it’s so important to be in tune with God so you can recognise when something is ‘for a reason’ or ‘for a season’

Change is inevitable

Jhene aiko vibes 🎶 But in all seriousness, it really is. I know it’s hard but change is a natural process of life, if anything it would be more worrying if change didn’t exist. Imagine being at a standstill for the rest of your life. No growth, no room for development…just stuck in your comfort zone. And I know the majority of us like to do things which we are familiar/comfortable with, but the reality is you really could be blocking yourself from your own blessings just by choosing the easy option. Imagine if Moses chose the easy option and decided to ignore God’s calling on his life (shoutouts to the Prince of Egypt show I watched at the theatre the other day), he never would have defeated the odds and lead the Hebrews to the promise land. And no I’m not saying go out there and try and part any red seas, but my point is sometimes if you don’t allow yourself to become susceptible to change, you could miss all these blessings and great things which are rightfully yours to claim.

Does it make your soul happy?

This is the part where you have to ask yourself am I surface happy or soul happy? Am I putting on a brave face but the reality is it’s just not matching up on the inside? If you find that the situation your questioning might be triggering doubts or worries or even anxiety, then you have to be real with yourself as to whether it truly makes you happy. And I’m not saying that doubts and worry only come as red flags, because in most circumstances its usually just when your about to receive your breakthrough that fear and negative thoughts try to creep in…that’s when you need to really strive for the final push. In many circumstances I’ve found myself with thoughts of uncertainty, but then, I just had to remember who the heck I am! Anxiety is not a thing of God, so when I feel it, I know that I need to change my frequency because I’m clearly not consuming the right energy to feed my soul. It’s deep, but as long as you stay aware of your higher operating frequency and making sure to fine tune along the way you will achieve your purpose.

For me personally I had to get back to basics and strip away all of the ‘me-lead’ problems I had created in my life. I literally got to a point where I just wanted God to take full control because I was convinced that i needed him to rectify all the mess and errors I had created. And sometimes it literally takes God to break us down to our knees just so we can learn to lean upon him. And looking back at how far I’ve come, I’m shook to even attempt to move on my own accord and risk progressing. I need all the confirmations and green lights please before I even dare to take a step. And if it’s of his will, amazing, if not, I’m learning that what’s for me will never pass me. You will be ok. It’s time to learn when to let go.

It’s time to know when to let go, I don’t know if maybe this is your wake up call to encourage you to do just that. But know that, when the circumstance is aligned by God it’s so much better, enjoyable, easier and just feels right. Time really is a healer and that thing that you think you just can’t live without, that person, that situation, whatever it is. It will still be there once you go through your transformation. But the question is, will it match up to your level once you’ve entered the transformational process, or will it simply be apart of your journey to assist you onto greater things.

So I’m back and I’m better, this is my transformational process and Rhiann 2.0 is pending.

Thanks for being a witness and reading and I hope to be posting again soon. Until then, stay tuned.

Radiate Windrush Festival


Back by popular demand, This years Windrush Festival took place at Crystal Palace Park and was nothing short of great vibes! Crowds gathered together to mark the 71st anniversary since the Windrush generation arrived to the UK shores. In recognition of this historical moment, Wanda Nation organised the ultimate experience for guests to get involved with the festivities. Following on from the success of last year, its no surprise that this year was predicted to be a hit!

Taking place over the 22nd – 23rd June, the festival consisted of true cultural appreciation as guests were encouraged to represent their background. Decked with flags, whistles, family and good vibes galore, Crystal Palace Park had truly been transformed…Caribbean style.

  • Main Stage
  • History Zone
  • Kids Play Zone
  • Art Gallery
  • Food Village
  • Well Being Hub
  • Trader’s Market
  • Pop-Up Bookshop
  • Pan Yard
  • Sound System Yard
  • + More

With so many activities to get involved in, its safe to say that everyone had a great time. The day was blessed with true Caribbean vibes,  featuring cultural beats, authentic designs and not to mention…mouth watering dishes! Whether you came to mingle or shake a leg, an amazing experience was guaranteed.

Who are the ‘Windrush Generation’?

Radiate Ship

‘Those arriving in the UK between 1948 and 1971 from Caribbean countries have been labelled the Windrush generation’. Basically, for those of us who are of Caribbean decent, its likely that our grandparents (great/great grandparents etc) made a huge sacrifice for  what we call life today. The term Windrush is in ‘reference to the ship MV Empire Windrush, which arrived at Tilbury Docks, Essex, on 22 June 1948, bringing workers from Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and other islands, as a response to post-war labour shortages in the UK. The ship carried 492 passengers – many of them children.’ (Source: BBC)

It’s not known exactly how many people belong to the Windrush generation. The majority of children who were transported at the time, travelled on their parents passport, failing to apply for travel documents.  The number is likely to be in the thousands!  (Source: BBC)

Dear Younger Generation…

…Theres a little history lesson for you and  background context as to why we gather together to celebrate an amazing mark in history. Dear younger generation, when’s the last time you gave your elders a hug or appreciation for the sacrifices they made for you? Speaking to myself as a direct great grandchild Windrush decedent, its safe to say that an act of appreciation is minor compared to the huge sacrifices of my elders. I will be mindful to always remember the strength and resilience undergone by the generations before me, continuing to make a conscious effort to learn and embrace my culture. Jamaica has been added to my bucket list as its one of the great travel destinations i’d love to see! Its so important for us as a younger generation not to be consumed with a westernised society. Carve the time to research your roots and embrace your culture…we’ve got a lot to be proud of after all!

Happy WindRush…lets continue to make history!

Be sure to follow The Radiate Festival to keep up to date:

Get to Know Me

1. Where did you grow up?

Southeast London: Lewisham

2. Where do you currently live?

None of your business lol

3. Who is your first best friend?

We don’t do best friends out here!

4. How tall are you?

5 foot something…wow I’m doing terribly lol

5.Dogs or Cats?

Erm cats…no dogs…wait cats because I have one but I’m open to a cute dogs. Like an Andrex puppy…yeah that’s a nice dog!!

6. What year were you born?


8. Are you in/have you gone to college?

Currently studying Marketing Comms at Uni.

9. What is your favorite drink?

KA cola flavour baby!!

10. What is your spirit animal and why?

I’m not really into this…but I was intrigued so I’ve taken a quiz for you guys. Google has confirmed my spirit animal is: An Owl…apparently I have a ‘deep connection with wisdom an knowledge’ meaning I got the smart smarts!! Did you ever doubt me?

11. You’re wearing perfume, what scent is it?

Zara: Orchard. I do need some new perfume though!

12. Tea or Coffee?

Latte? Depends on the vibe…if I need a boost it’s coffee If I just need to chillax then Tea!!

13. What are your life goals?

Wow. World domination?

I joke. D’you know what, this would actually make a really good blog post. I’m not taking the easy option and skipping this question (*Contemplates life) but stay tuned and I’ll be sure to answer this in full depth in an upcoming post (*cheats the system)

14. What sports do you play or have you played?

Lol me and sports? I mean I do go gym so my fitness isn’t that bad! If I had to choose which sports I enjoy I guess basketball and badminton, don’t ask why.

15. Have any books you read changed your life?

‘The Secret’ for me was definitely a game changer! Most of my collection consists of motivation reads now. I love anything which inspires me and challenges my way of thinking.

16. What is your favorite movie?

Love and Basketball…simply a classic.

17. Who are your favorite YouTubers?

The Find Guru


The Ace Family

The Prince Family

Patricia Bright

Nakita Johnson

Bianca Reece

… there’s loads of em!

18. Do you speak any languages and how well?

Just finished my first year of learning Spanish. I’d say I’m still at beginners level.

19. How would you describe your fashion sense?

My fashion sense changes all the time! Majority of the time I like the smart/casj look. Sometimes I like the laid back comfy look. Sometimes my 90’s baby vibes take over… I have a wide fashion sense!

20. What is your go-to hairstyle?

Majority of the time you’ll see me rocking a high bun or slicked back ponytail lol. Recently I have been embracing my natural curls so occasionally I embrace the lioness look!

21. How many siblings do you have?

1 full sister

1 half sister

1 half brother …and any others that my Dads not told us about 🤷🏽‍♀️

22. What is your go-to fast food order?

Yo boss man can I get four wings and chips?

23. Do you use PC or a Mac?


24. Your most memorable vacation memory?

Seeing the Mayan ruins in Belize! I just found it amazing to embrace that part of my heritage and climbing the ruins first hand…amazing!

25. Do you have any bad habits?

Haha I swallow my chewing gum like 9/10…and I chew a lot!!

Forgetting to throw the occasional contact lense in the bin…(later gets discovered in hoover…I’m sorry)

There’s plenty more but this isn’t the ‘name Rhiann’s bad habits’ post now is it!

26. Tell us one thing about you that we wouldn’t know?

I’m freakishly scared of foxes. I’ll fully pull out my phone just to have a random phone call if I think I’m at risk of encountering one…I think it scares them off. Then again, foxes are moving like badmen these days so I guess we’re all in danger!!!

What is your favorite Netflix show?

At the moment I’m binge watching Jane the Virgin…it’s also good practise for my Spanish!!

27. What theme parks have you been to?

Chessington, Thorpe Park, Disneyland Florida/Paris…I think that’s it?

28. What is your favorite genre of film and why?

Romcoms…come on who doesn’t like a feel good movie with a happy ending!

29. What was your dream job as a kid?

As a kid, I wanted to become an author…I loved writing stories when I was younger. Always been a creative one, me.

30. What is your favorite thing to order on UberEats?

Jerk chicken! Lol

31. Have you ever failed at anything and what did you learn?

With success comes failure. I fail often and it’s great! No, obviously the feeling of failure is never great at first…but when you use it to push you and motivate you…then the feeling of succeeding is simply amazing!

32. How many countries have you traveled to?

Belize, America (Florida, New York)Italy, Cyprus, Paris, Portugal, Morocco, Majorca, Gran Canaria…that’s 9, and the list shall continue!!

33. Do you have any pets? Show them to us!

Meet Kitty

34. What are your pet peeves?

People that eat with their mouths open and chew like a cow

Hacking your saliva (gross bro)

Being loud for no apparent reason (shushhh)

Cracking your knuckles

People that can’t walk inna straight line


35. What do you do in your free time?

Blog, photography, Read, Gym…travel baby!!! (When my budget allows)

36. Do you have any weird quirks?

Being a weird quirky person tbh!

37. What is your favorite color?

Rose gold!!!

38. Do you know your personality type? What is it?

I’m an introverted extrovert

39. What are your favorite values in friends?



Ride or die

40. What is one thing you wished people knew about you?

People initially think I’m either quiet or quite serious, but once you get to know me you’ll realise I have the silliest sense of humour and love to laugh!!!

41. How do you get along with your family?


42. Who is your role model

My top 3 legends I’d love to meet:

Morgan Freeman, Samuel L Jackson, Steve Harvey…You was expecting a female boss right? Yeah I got those too!

43. What are you happiest with in your life?

That I have grasped the fact that life is a journey and it’s ok to have high and low points. It’s not a marathon and I embrace every stumbling block which comes my way. I’m happy that I am open to new experiences and will always be on the pursuit to better myself… is that deep enough?


Hi guys,

It feels like forever since i last posted. This year it was one of my goals to consistently upload content to my Blog/YouTube channel…a goal which i have successfully FLOPPED at to say the least. But anyways, i thought it was high time i break the silence and fill you all in with a little Life Update.

The truth is I’ve been on a little journey of self discovery, not exactly by choice mind you. This year, life has been majorly impacted by various events, leading to some serious soul searching, and a genuine desire to get my act together.

Dealing with a loss

Death. Life’s harsh reality in reminding us that nobody is promised tomorrow. I know this subject is quite bleak and that’s why i pretty much wanted to address it first and get it over with.  As some of you may know from reading my last post, I’ve been dealing with the loss of my Nan. From frequent visits to my Nan’s care home in Milton Keynes to suddenly finding the words to pay tribute at her funeral…Life simply changed. It’s been a hard period in mine and my family’s life. I seem to have grasped the concept of death more over the past two years than ever before in my life! But still…we go on. No, I’ve not mastered how to ‘deal with it’ nor would i say ‘I’ve moved on’… i’m simply learning how to push on, despite the pain.

Hungry for Success

All i can say is that now, more than ever before…i am Hungry for Success. Every once and a while life has a funny way of reminding you that you really are stronger than you feel. Sometimes, it takes battling through a tough situation to reveal that inner strength…and i don’t know about you, but the more i’m coming to grips with my inner warrior… its pretty much game over for fear.

I Came to Win

No, i’m not bigging myself up. Nor am i saying that i’m about to take over the world (don’t doubt my abilities though okurr)… but what i am saying is that at this stage in my life, something great is generating in my journey. Power. I’m making  I Make a conscious effort to tap into my strengths daily. Whether it be as little as stating positive affirmations in the morning (stating positive facts about yourself, e.g ‘I am brave, i am powerful…etc) to facing fears and pushing past my anxiety. I am only as great as i allow myself to be…and who says that the limitations have to be capped so tightly?

Whether you are a ‘Faith without works is dead’ or ‘Hard work beats talent if talent doesn’t work hard’ type of person, know this…it still takes stepping out in order to reach your goals. And i don’t know about you, but i think i’d prefer to run towards mines!


How did this post turn into  a little preachathon btw? I think it’s been brewing inside of me for quite some time now that i just need to Do Better. Not just speak it, not just advise it…but actually do better. You can call it having an epiphany, but at my big age of 24 (bruuuh) I’ve just got to the point where i’m ready to disrupt the norm.

Be your own Cheerleader

Sometimes, you really have got to be your own cheerleader in this life. Yes, i have supportive people around me and yes the motivational talks are laaavely, but i can’t depend on others to get me to the next stage. If you want to advance to your purpose in life, whatever it may be…then its time to Level up.

Procrastination and coasting were two of my biggest culprits, i’ll be honest. But being successful and making my Nan proud is a combined force not to be reckoned with. I dare you to go ahead and try though, just for lols.

Next chapter, to be continued…

Getting ready for Uni featuring Old English Company

Hey guys,

For anyone who may have read my last post, you’ll be aware of a few updates going on in my life at the moment. Now, one of the areas i touched on was applying for university and filling in application forms. I can happily say i am down to my final two choices!! I am deciding between London Southbank University and University of Westminster. For anyone who may have attended either of the two, i’d love to hear your thoughts…perhaps you can give me a little insight of your experience there?

Anyways, in readiness for my Uni venture I’ve decided to put some preparations into place.


I wanted to address my living situation first. I guess for a lot of students gearing up for uni…the whole ‘shared accommodation thing’ serves as the ultimate experience for Uni life. Straight up, I WON’T be doing that! Guys, i’m 24 and really not about that life. If i’m looking to move out from home, it will be into my own space haha! Nothing personal, i’d just prefer to have my own place where i can come home to every day and relax (#Bliss) It’s not as if i’m anti-social, i just think i’m passed that stage (and ok, maybe a little anti-social lol)

I’m so excited that I’ve already put together my ultimate Pinterest board with studio apartment ideas. Initially i was hoping to rent a one bedroom apartment, but realistically i think its wiser to go for the cheaper option of a studio as i’ll need to be mindful of budgeting. Eeek, please divert your attention to the lush imagery below:

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Just think Sarah Jessica Parker meets New York City vibes! I’m loving: Pink, white and grey along with Zig-zag prints for decor! Ultimately i’d love to have a girly pad with simplistic chic decor.

Old English Company

Guys, i’d like to introduce you to the Old English Company,  a brand i have literally been obsessing over lately and once you get a glance of their range you will see just why! Being the type of person who needs to have planners, diaries and organizers in my life,  i LOVE the fact that Old English Company offer a stylish range of stationery. If you love chic, querky designs and motivational quotes, you will love Old English Company. Who said stationery has to be plain?

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In addition to stationery, Old English also offer an amazing range in home ware, art prints, greeting cards and a my personal favourite… enamel pins!! In the mood to jazz up your outfit? Enamel pins are a great way to show off your style and add a little extra flair to your wardrobe. There are so many themes to choose from: Animals, plants, motivational and much more. The enamel pins can be purchased at an affordable price ranging from £5-£10, BARGAIN! Be sure to browse the enamel pins collection here

This stylish collection is going straight into my basket as i prep for Uni. Affordable, cute stationery and chic decor to decorate my future studio…what a lifesaver!! Be sure to check out Old English’s website here.

Competition Time

 **Old English are currently running a competition!**

In celebration of new designs added to the enamel pin collection,Old English are currently running a competition. For your chance to win the below set of enamel pins, simply send an email stating your favourite design from the entire enamel pin range to:

Check out the new range here


Embracing Change

Hi all,

Gosh, has it really been 3 months since my last blog post?!

I’m not going to lie, i would say that the last 3 months have been pretty full on in terms of changes/decision making. The three main areas which have been impacted the most in my life are: work, education and family. So let me get started on giving you an in look into my hectic life recently…


I’m not sure if i have ever mentioned my work history on my blog before, but for those of you who may not be aware, i do temping to earn money. Since leaving school back in 2012 (6 years ago…trust me i haven’t got a clue where the time has gone!) I’ve had quite a few roles under my belt. This has been great in terms of gaining experience in various office environments and meeting lots of people along the way. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’ve been offered a few permanent roles during this time, but i can honestly say that the longest i have stayed in a job role is a year. To put in bluntly, a role has never quite captivated me enough to want to settle down and be like ‘Yeah, i could see myself working here for the next few years…’ I have taken on permanent work thinking OK, maybe its going to happen, but the reality is there has always been something missing for me…PASSION. Which leads me onto my next point…


When you’re a fresh school leaver, you and all of your friends are suppose to be planning the best summer before embarking on your separate ways and heading off to Uni right? Wrong. Unlike most of my friends, i made the decision to bypass uni and head straight into work life. I suppose when i was 17 years old, i was eager to get out of the classroom and into earning money. A pretty standard way of thinking for a young person to be fair. At the time, i knew that i wanted a role within the media industry i just didn’t realise how difficult it would be to get one!

Anyways fast forward a few years of finding myself, gaining work experience and all that jazz, i have finally come to a point of realisation. I’d quite like to give University a try. Scary, i know! Its taken me a while to gain the confidence in taking control of the direction i’d like my life to head in. Being 24, I’ve had major doubt questioning whether its too late, or if i’m silly for wanting to take on the stress (Essays, dissertations…oh gosh). But, I’ve received a lot of support from friends and family members encouraging me with this decision- and i am honestly grateful for this. The sheer fact in knowing that this next phase of my life is being taken to better myself and future makes me really happy.

The subject i have chosen to study is marketing, and i couldn’t be happier with this decision. When filling out my Ucas applications the first time round (back in 2012), i put media…but its amazing how taking the time to find myself these past 6 years has helped me zone in on my real areas of interest. Marketing is such a diverse field to get into and i believe that my love for blogging/ YouTube has stemmed from this.  And guess what… I’ve already received two conditional offers! All of my uni choices are located in London (trust me, the temptation to get the heck out of London recently has been all to real !) I’m also hoping to move out during this period with the help of a maintenance loan/temping on the side. By the end of my 3 years at Uni, i hope to have gained the right tools in order to confidently shape my career…it would be great to step into a marketing executive/brand co-coordinator role. Not too bad of a plan aye?


Family life has been a little hectic lately as unfortunately, my Nan passed away Saturday 12th May. Dealing with the loss of a loved one is never easy, especially if its someone who has made such an impact in your life.

In all honesty, it will take a while to come to grips with the fact that she is no longer with us, however its important to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. At the end of the day, its about keeping the persons memory alive and focusing on the legacy which they have left behind. I know that during this difficult time, it’s hard to see the positive. But if i can encourage anyone who might be going through a similar situation, you need to remember to stay strong. Be a strong source for your family and most importantly for yourself. Know that it’s OK to have moments of sadness and allow yourself to grieve. Having an amazing support system is always helpful and i’d like to thank everyone who has reached out and offered there wishes. There will always be a void now that my Nan has gone, but i find comfort in the fact of knowing that she is no longer in pain, no longer suffering and finally at peace. Heaven has gained another angel and i know she will be watching over me and my family. Rest in beautiful peace Nanny xxx

Thanks so much for reading this post, it’s been a while and an update was long over due. If there are any areas which you would like me to expand on, feel free to drop me a comment or just some general feedback would be much appreciated! I’d be more than happy to discuss my experience of the world of temping, sending off Uni applications as an independent or even dealing with the loss of a loved one. My Uni course is due to start in September which means that in addition to temping, i should have a bit of free time to get back into blogging. I’m thinking of also doing an update video over on my YouTube channel (which is in desperate need of a bit of TLC) so be sure to keep an eye on that! Once again, thanks for reading…Happy blogging!

How to: Experience London Fashion Week for Free!

That’s right, you read correctly- you too can have that London Fashion Week experience all without breaking the bank! Sound too good to be true? As a small time blogger, i understand the struggle of not receiving those lush opportunities well known bloggers might receive. For some of us, it would be the ultimate dream to be seated front row at the hottest catwalks. But who’s to say that we can’t get a taste of the Lavish lifestyle? Fancy experiencing the glitz and glam of this season’s most raved about event? In this post, i share with you some amazing Fashion events taking place during London Fashion week! And the best part? YES, these events are absolutely free! All you need to do is simply click on the links provided and register for you’re free ticket!

Let me know if you come across any events which are sold out…i might just have a spare ticket for you to claim! No need to break the bank keeping up with this seasons trends, simply secure yourself a travel card and get ready to have the ultimate London Fashion Week experience!!

Couture & Cocktails by: Dumebi

Fri, Feb 16, 2018, 5:00 PM – Mon, Feb 19, 2018, 4:00 PM

Dumebi couture and cocktails

‘Kensington Fashion show & Pop-up event. Join us at our Couture & Cocktails Kensington Fashion show & 3 day Pop up event on Friday 16th February to Monday 19th February 2018 during London fashion week. Featuring exclusive handmade creations from emerging Artists, Couture clothing designer and Artisan accessory brands’  Register for your ticket here 

Presentations + Concept Store, presented by LDC

Fri, Feb 16, 2018, 10:00 AM – Tue, Feb 20, 2018, 5:00 PM


3 Slingsby Place, London, WC2E 9AB


‘Expect daily live fashion presentations previewing new and unseen collections, networking and women in business events, workshop + talk evenings, free goodies + happy hours, exciting panel discussions and evening events running all week.’ Register for your ticket here

Beyond Heritage: Mulberry at Spencer House

17th Feb Sat, 17 Feb 2018, 10:00 – Sun, 18 Feb 2018, 17:00


Spencer House, 27 Saint James’s Place, London, SW1A 1NR


To celebrate the launch of the Spring Summer ‘18 collection, Mulberry is taking over the magnificent eighteenth-century Spencer House hosting ‘Beyond Heritage’: a series of presentations and workshops across the weekend of Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th February. These public events centre around Mulberry collaborators who have a shared passion for craft, fashion and quality. Guests will also be able to enjoy the Palm Room tea house. Register for your ticket here


Fashions Finest AW 18

Sat, 17 Feb 2018, 13:00 – Sun, 18 Feb 2018, 15:00


De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms, 61-65 Great Queen Street, London, WC2B 5DA

Fashions Finest

‘Fashions Finest is an established independent trade event showcasing hand selected emerging and established designers each season, from the UK and oversees during London Fashion Week.’ Register for your ticket here

Designer Pop Up Event by Shopest

Sunday, February 18, 2018 11:00 AM – 11:00 PM


Souk Medina, 1a Shorts Gardens, London, WC2H 9AT

Shopest pop up event

A mix of inspirational, International and local London designers, have come together to make this THE event not to miss! 2 Days and nights of shopping, music exciting live catwalk shows, drinks and lots of entertainment. All day shopping till 9 pm and 2 exclusive invitation-only high profile events for both evenings. Register for your ticket here

We Heart Mondays Fashion Week Lounge

Feb 19, 2018 at 6:00pm – 9:00pm


We Heart Mondays HQ, Swan Wharf , 60 Dace Road, London, E3 2NQ


We Heart Mondays


‘We’re bringing the fun to London Fashion Week this season, with our ‘Fresh As A Daisy’ themed Fashion Week Lounge Get spoilt by our brands who will be gifting their products and providing interactive experiences throughout the event’ Register for your ticket here


Friday, February 23, 2018 at 4:55 PM


The Cass, London Metropolitan University

Project Red 2018

‘PROJECT RED is an annual live catwalk show from the BA (Hons) Fashion course at The Cass, held in the Atrium at Goulston Street. The show, which marks the end to this year’s Celebration Week at The Cass, features work from first year students on The Cass BA (Hons) Fashion degree and will be followed by a drinks reception with staff and students.’ Register for your free ticket here

Private shopping experience by: Meet the designers!

Sat, February 24, 2018 1:00 AM – 5:00 PM


The Gallery, Oxford Circus, London, W1T


Meet the Designers

‘Private Shopping Experience for Men and Women with up to 75% Off purchase (selected items) on the day from the latest collection of our selected designers to update your style, buy gifts for loved ones and celebrate a new season.’  Register for your ticket here 

See You There!

So, what are you waiting for?? For a chance to experience London Fashion Week for absolutely free, register now! See whats in store for next seasons trends and set your sight on collections from well known designers/brands. I hope you have an amazing time and please be sure to comment your experience if you do register for any of the above events- i’d love to read it! See you there!

(Descriptions of the events were sourced from the websites linked above)

Meeting Deliciously Ella

On the 31st of August Neal’s Yard Remedies held a product launch event featuring the new Deliciously Ella range with none other than Deliciously Ella herself in-store!


The shop was decked out with products from the new Deliciously Ella line

Having been obsessed with the topic of clean eating recently (Clean eating- Dirty secrets documentary review coming soon), I was delighted at the opportunity to meet the Healthy Eating pro blogger Deliciously Ella in the flesh!

I purchased the Deliciously Ella Everyday recipe book in-store and made it my sole mission to get this signed! When approaching Ella, she was knee deep in conversation. Between greeting others and answering queries she ensured to provide undeniable time and care into making that one on one experience both enjoyable and memorable. Ella is so friendly, i was greeted with a warm smile and after talking about her new product range she signed my recipe book.


Getting my recipe book signed


Neal’s Yard Remedies, located in the heart of Covent Garden was buzzing with well being enthusiasts ready to explore the new range brought out by Deliciously Ella. And its no surprise that the majority of visitors were left satisfied. Between sampling the products, experiencing a mini facial up for grabs and meeting Deliciously Ella herself, what more could you want?


The theme of the new product range consists of the use of: Cucumber, lime and rose as its main ingredients. An odd concoction you might say? Trust me this mix really works! With  a touch of zest, infused with cooling cucumber and a rose aroma, you’ll instantly feel charged whilst escaping into a scene of pure bliss!

Inline with the theme, refreshments such as Lime, cucumber and rose water was available to try.



This was definitely a daring mix!





I went for the coconut and banana smoothie…delish!



Ending the day on a high, I was given this lovely sample size of the Rose, lime and cucumber face wash and hand cream to try out at home. These products are amazing and leave my skin feeling soft and radiant. Thanks so much to Neal’s Yard Remedies for hosting this event and a special thank you to Ella for talking through your range. I had a great time and look forward to attending more of Deliciously Ella’s events. Check them out here :

Also visit Neal’s Yard Remedies for great products, including the Deliciously Ella range


A Summer’s Day

British summer comes with no guarantee and whilst we’ve been having such great weather this month, it’s important to soak up the sun at any given opportunity!

Doing what I do best, I decided to whip out my  camera and embark on an adventure day with my friend. I’m currently trying to build a portfolio to show for my love in photography and thought it would be a great opportunity to get some nature shots.


Starting with my beautiful friend Evelynne, she was giving me all sorts of life in her ‘Are you ready’ Zara top.

Clearly out of my depths I attempted to balance and jump off of a pole in the park all in the spirit of getting a good picture. Did I do well?


Nature and Pollution

Walking past a lake, we saw a family of ducks enjoying a swim. What seemed like a perfect photo opportunity was also a little wake up call. Can you see the contrast between nature and pollution in these photo’s? The natural habitat of these creatures have been compromised, forcing them to adapt…it’s all abit sad to be honest.




Flower Power

Now one of my favourite elements of nature, flowers. I love taking photos of flowers, from capturing the range of vibrant colours to the wide spectrum of intricate detail- flowers make for the perfect close up shot!



I Love Sunflowers


Isn’t this so chic for a pub?



An Asparagus plant?! – we’ll get into that…

The Cutest Garden

Have you seen my friends garden?! I personally think its so cute and filled with dozens of blog worthy design aspects that I had to share with you guys.



Tutu-The trained robin

My friend’s mum is a keen gardener and very enthusiastic when it comes to nature. Speaking of which, I’d like you to meet Tutu.. their ‘pet’ robin. This bird is actually trained and has taken habit to greeting them for food whenever they venture into the garden…this includes guests! Tutu co-operated with me for a few shots so lets give her some limelight.


A few more pretty bits and bobs…



Shot of the day


Remember that asparagus plant I mentioned earlier? Who knew that they actually bloom into a beautiful flower like the one above? Not me. I think this was actually my photo highlight of the day because I found its design so tranquilizing.

I had a great day exploring nature with my friend and adding to my portfolio, I think I got some great shots- how about you?

Thank you for reading, you can guarantee I will be posting more on my photography venture’s now that I have made up my mind to pursue this I’m hoping to embark on a few projects!