Knowing when it’s time to let go

Is it aligned with your growth/healing?

Recognising when something is genuinely not for you is not the problem, the hardest part is coming to that point of acceptance. Theres a turning point in which we all go through when we choose between what we think is right vs what we know is right. Some of us come to that point of realisation sooner than others. The important thing is to get there. Think, does this situation support who I am becoming? Can it elevate me to where I’d like to be? Do I feel satisfied with how this situation is causing me to feel or do I know deep down that I can be happier? If you have to question and keep coming to God to send you some type of sign or confirmation, the chances are you know the answer.

If the situation causes you to feel out of tune and takes you off of the pathway God intended for you to walk on, then this is not aligned with your growth or healing. In fact, it’s setting you back even further from the goal post. Sometimes I have to quieten my own voice and ask God to take control and lead me through certain situations, when I find there are toxic areas in my life that’s when I know there’s to much of myself involved in the situation and not enough of God in the picture.

For example, i might find myself in an argument with someone and the situation gets heated but this is the part where i need to check myself and recognise when it’s time to let go. Yes, i can use my mouth and dish out the most whitty comebacks known to man to tell you about yourself, but the reality is if it comprises my peace, joy or happiness. I don’t want it. I’m good to turn away and continue on my own self development because at the end of the day when it’s time to get called up on judgement day, I can only be accountable for me, myself and I. And it’s crazy, because sometimes when you carry yourself in a certain manner, others might interpret it as weakness at the fact that you don’t want to get into confrontations. But it doesn’t phase me, because whilst I set my eyes on heavenly places and continue to reach a point of peace, I avoid getting caught up in drama fuelled situations that really do nothing for me. This is knowing when to let go.

Are you encountering blocks/obstacles?

I cannot tell you how many times I have tried to lean upon my own understanding and then got frustrated by the end result. Each time i might encounter a stumbling block, the first thing I genuinely do is question why this is happening to me? Why is this so difficult to achieve? I’m channeling positive thoughts, dedicating my focus to trying to make this thing happen and putting it to God in prayer so surely this should have worked out, right? Wrong.

The reality is that whilst we should definitely apply a positive mindset when trying to achieve our goals, we also need to check whether these goals compliment what God has intended for our lives. Sometimes it works out that obstacles/stumbling blocks turn out to be blessings in disguise as had they not been there, who knows what mishap might have been waiting on the other side. Sometimes obstacles are put in our way not necessarily to serve as a ‘no’ but simply ‘not yet’. That thing we desire, might not be ready for us to receive just yet and that’s ok. Because when it’s suppose to happen, everything will just fall into place as if by magic. You’ll receive so much confirmations that it shouldn’t feel like such a mission to achieve. It will be in sync with where you are at in your journey and won’t cause you to stray on your walk with God.

‘You get tested the most when it’s time for you to elevate’

in life we go through growth periods, and when it’s time to progress there may be times when not everyone can come with you. It’s important to realise when it’s time to hold on and when it’s time to let go. Letting go doesn’t have to be a permanent thing, but I think it’s very much a case of recognising and ‘accepting people for who they are, but also recognising where they should be placed in your life…’ there is such a thing as seasonal relationships and that’s ok. Because you usually find that the best encounters of your life come just on time, when you are at the perfect place in your life to receive them. I think that’s why it’s so important to be in tune with God so you can recognise when something is ‘for a reason’ or ‘for a season’

Change is inevitable

Jhene aiko vibes 🎶 But in all seriousness, it really is. I know it’s hard but change is a natural process of life, if anything it would be more worrying if change didn’t exist. Imagine being at a standstill for the rest of your life. No growth, no room for development…just stuck in your comfort zone. And I know the majority of us like to do things which we are familiar/comfortable with, but the reality is you really could be blocking yourself from your own blessings just by choosing the easy option. Imagine if Moses chose the easy option and decided to ignore God’s calling on his life (shoutouts to the Prince of Egypt show I watched at the theatre the other day), he never would have defeated the odds and lead the Hebrews to the promise land. And no I’m not saying go out there and try and part any red seas, but my point is sometimes if you don’t allow yourself to become susceptible to change, you could miss all these blessings and great things which are rightfully yours to claim.

Does it make your soul happy?

This is the part where you have to ask yourself am I surface happy or soul happy? Am I putting on a brave face but the reality is it’s just not matching up on the inside? If you find that the situation your questioning might be triggering doubts or worries or even anxiety, then you have to be real with yourself as to whether it truly makes you happy. And I’m not saying that doubts and worry only come as red flags, because in most circumstances its usually just when your about to receive your breakthrough that fear and negative thoughts try to creep in…that’s when you need to really strive for the final push. In many circumstances I’ve found myself with thoughts of uncertainty, but then, I just had to remember who the heck I am! Anxiety is not a thing of God, so when I feel it, I know that I need to change my frequency because I’m clearly not consuming the right energy to feed my soul. It’s deep, but as long as you stay aware of your higher operating frequency and making sure to fine tune along the way you will achieve your purpose.

For me personally I had to get back to basics and strip away all of the ‘me-lead’ problems I had created in my life. I literally got to a point where I just wanted God to take full control because I was convinced that i needed him to rectify all the mess and errors I had created. And sometimes it literally takes God to break us down to our knees just so we can learn to lean upon him. And looking back at how far I’ve come, I’m shook to even attempt to move on my own accord and risk progressing. I need all the confirmations and green lights please before I even dare to take a step. And if it’s of his will, amazing, if not, I’m learning that what’s for me will never pass me. You will be ok. It’s time to learn when to let go.

It’s time to know when to let go, I don’t know if maybe this is your wake up call to encourage you to do just that. But know that, when the circumstance is aligned by God it’s so much better, enjoyable, easier and just feels right. Time really is a healer and that thing that you think you just can’t live without, that person, that situation, whatever it is. It will still be there once you go through your transformation. But the question is, will it match up to your level once you’ve entered the transformational process, or will it simply be apart of your journey to assist you onto greater things.

So I’m back and I’m better, this is my transformational process and Rhiann 2.0 is pending.

Thanks for being a witness and reading and I hope to be posting again soon. Until then, stay tuned.

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