Get to Know Me

1. Where did you grow up?

Southeast London: Lewisham

2. Where do you currently live?

None of your business lol

3. Who is your first best friend?

We don’t do best friends out here!

4. How tall are you?

5 foot something…wow I’m doing terribly lol

5.Dogs or Cats?

Erm cats…no dogs…wait cats because I have one but I’m open to a cute dogs. Like an Andrex puppy…yeah that’s a nice dog!!

6. What year were you born?


8. Are you in/have you gone to college?

Currently studying Marketing Comms at Uni.

9. What is your favorite drink?

KA cola flavour baby!!

10. What is your spirit animal and why?

I’m not really into this…but I was intrigued so I’ve taken a quiz for you guys. Google has confirmed my spirit animal is: An Owl…apparently I have a ‘deep connection with wisdom an knowledge’ meaning I got the smart smarts!! Did you ever doubt me?

11. You’re wearing perfume, what scent is it?

Zara: Orchard. I do need some new perfume though!

12. Tea or Coffee?

Latte? Depends on the vibe…if I need a boost it’s coffee If I just need to chillax then Tea!!

13. What are your life goals?

Wow. World domination?

I joke. D’you know what, this would actually make a really good blog post. I’m not taking the easy option and skipping this question (*Contemplates life) but stay tuned and I’ll be sure to answer this in full depth in an upcoming post (*cheats the system)

14. What sports do you play or have you played?

Lol me and sports? I mean I do go gym so my fitness isn’t that bad! If I had to choose which sports I enjoy I guess basketball and badminton, don’t ask why.

15. Have any books you read changed your life?

‘The Secret’ for me was definitely a game changer! Most of my collection consists of motivation reads now. I love anything which inspires me and challenges my way of thinking.

16. What is your favorite movie?

Love and Basketball…simply a classic.

17. Who are your favorite YouTubers?

The Find Guru


The Ace Family

The Prince Family

Patricia Bright

Nakita Johnson

Bianca Reece

… there’s loads of em!

18. Do you speak any languages and how well?

Just finished my first year of learning Spanish. I’d say I’m still at beginners level.

19. How would you describe your fashion sense?

My fashion sense changes all the time! Majority of the time I like the smart/casj look. Sometimes I like the laid back comfy look. Sometimes my 90’s baby vibes take over… I have a wide fashion sense!

20. What is your go-to hairstyle?

Majority of the time you’ll see me rocking a high bun or slicked back ponytail lol. Recently I have been embracing my natural curls so occasionally I embrace the lioness look!

21. How many siblings do you have?

1 full sister

1 half sister

1 half brother …and any others that my Dads not told us about 🤷🏽‍♀️

22. What is your go-to fast food order?

Yo boss man can I get four wings and chips?

23. Do you use PC or a Mac?


24. Your most memorable vacation memory?

Seeing the Mayan ruins in Belize! I just found it amazing to embrace that part of my heritage and climbing the ruins first hand…amazing!

25. Do you have any bad habits?

Haha I swallow my chewing gum like 9/10…and I chew a lot!!

Forgetting to throw the occasional contact lense in the bin…(later gets discovered in hoover…I’m sorry)

There’s plenty more but this isn’t the ‘name Rhiann’s bad habits’ post now is it!

26. Tell us one thing about you that we wouldn’t know?

I’m freakishly scared of foxes. I’ll fully pull out my phone just to have a random phone call if I think I’m at risk of encountering one…I think it scares them off. Then again, foxes are moving like badmen these days so I guess we’re all in danger!!!

What is your favorite Netflix show?

At the moment I’m binge watching Jane the Virgin…it’s also good practise for my Spanish!!

27. What theme parks have you been to?

Chessington, Thorpe Park, Disneyland Florida/Paris…I think that’s it?

28. What is your favorite genre of film and why?

Romcoms…come on who doesn’t like a feel good movie with a happy ending!

29. What was your dream job as a kid?

As a kid, I wanted to become an author…I loved writing stories when I was younger. Always been a creative one, me.

30. What is your favorite thing to order on UberEats?

Jerk chicken! Lol

31. Have you ever failed at anything and what did you learn?

With success comes failure. I fail often and it’s great! No, obviously the feeling of failure is never great at first…but when you use it to push you and motivate you…then the feeling of succeeding is simply amazing!

32. How many countries have you traveled to?

Belize, America (Florida, New York)Italy, Cyprus, Paris, Portugal, Morocco, Majorca, Gran Canaria…that’s 9, and the list shall continue!!

33. Do you have any pets? Show them to us!

Meet Kitty

34. What are your pet peeves?

People that eat with their mouths open and chew like a cow

Hacking your saliva (gross bro)

Being loud for no apparent reason (shushhh)

Cracking your knuckles

People that can’t walk inna straight line


35. What do you do in your free time?

Blog, photography, Read, Gym…travel baby!!! (When my budget allows)

36. Do you have any weird quirks?

Being a weird quirky person tbh!

37. What is your favorite color?

Rose gold!!!

38. Do you know your personality type? What is it?

I’m an introverted extrovert

39. What are your favorite values in friends?



Ride or die

40. What is one thing you wished people knew about you?

People initially think I’m either quiet or quite serious, but once you get to know me you’ll realise I have the silliest sense of humour and love to laugh!!!

41. How do you get along with your family?


42. Who is your role model

My top 3 legends I’d love to meet:

Morgan Freeman, Samuel L Jackson, Steve Harvey…You was expecting a female boss right? Yeah I got those too!

43. What are you happiest with in your life?

That I have grasped the fact that life is a journey and it’s ok to have high and low points. It’s not a marathon and I embrace every stumbling block which comes my way. I’m happy that I am open to new experiences and will always be on the pursuit to better myself… is that deep enough?

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