11 Things you didn’t know about me

Hey guys!

So I realise I am quite new to the blogging community. Although I have been posting quite frequently lately I haven’t formally introduced myself.

Thank you so much to my recent followers, I appreciate the interest in my posts and love to do them so it will be my duty to deliver fun, creative content for you guys.

What better way to share some fun facts and learn about some of you guys than to partake in this fun tag, ’11 things you didn’t know about me’ which Sana’s Ramblings nominated me for. Thanks girl!  Without further delay, here it is…Enjoy! = )

  1. What’s your current obsession?

I’m abit events obsessed at the moment and literally love finding the next fun thing I can go to. Even my friends have started telling me my list of events I’m attending has started  flooding their timelines on Facebook. My eyes are now on the look out for London Fashion week themed events I can go to. Love it!

2. What do you think is the best quality in a person?

For me, the best quality in a person is someone who knows how to be 100% real. Its so easy to be fake or go along with what society is promoting as ‘cool’ or the new ‘way to be’. It takes someone genuinely amazing to be confident in themselves and give you the real them, no shadiness or dressing anything up. Just be real.

3. Are you adventurous when it comes to makeup/fashion?

I would say I am quite adventurous when it comes to fashion. I love to go bold and colourful when it comes to summer. Texture and patterns always attract me to the rails and its usually the first thing I’ll pull out from a group of clothes. However I do have those days where neutral/staple pieces are important to me. Sometimes you need a good Black leather jacket or Crisp white blazer to make your look! As for makeup, natural is the way for me! I do not wear make-up and to be honest the most adventurous product to hit my face is some Vaseline! …Actually I do own some Lip gloss, does that count as adventurous?

4. Your top 5 beauty products?

Just recently I found myself browsing over the beauty range at Superdrug when the new Zoella line caught my eye! It literally took me 2 visits to the shop before I finally gave into my urge and purchased 5 of her beauty products. At the moment I’m loving testing out the products and actually want to do a review for you guys if anyone’s interested. So stay posted for that, I would definitely say Zoella’s beauty products are in my top 5 currently.

5. What do you like most about blogging?

I Love the freedom to express myself at my own will when it comes to blogging. Its great for me to try out different writing styles and touch on so many diverse topics. Whether it be posting on a formal/informal topic, uploading creative pictures or just a daily thought I love being able to share a side of myself with my readers. Its so nice to connect and have people like what I have to bring to the table.

6. Where are you originally from?

I am originally from London and am presently still based there.

7.If you could be the C.E.O of any brand for one day, what would it be?

For any brand? I’d love to delve into a high end fashion company like Vogue or even the much loved YouTube head office. I love media and have a feeling that the marketing/branding sectors of these companies would be a blast!

8. When did you start wearing makeup?

No make up over here. Team Natural!

9. If you were stranded on an abandoned island and could only choose one person to be next to you who would it be? Why?

God would have to be my ultimate answer! D’you know why? Because he could grant me the miracle of getting me off of the dreaded island. Haha

10. What carrier path are you are looking at?

I have a passion for media and fashion so it would be amazing if I could get into the branding/marketing sector of a glossy fashion company like Vogue or Burberry. At the moment I am having fun exploring my creative interests in all sorts of ways: Writing, filming, photography, editing its all about being in a buzzy environment for me. Whatever pathway I chose, I need to love what I do and do what I love!

11. What inspires you to keep blogging?

Honestly its the positive feedback and growth I can see coming to pass. My confidence has grown whilst blogging and slowly but surely I’m coming to terms with my creative style and what works best for me in terms of how I express myself. Getting positive feedback is a bonus and it encourages and makes me think ‘maybe I have got content worth sharing’ and that gets me all warm and fuzzy inside (queue the cheesiness)

I really enjoyed answering these questions and  hopefully you enjoyed reading my answers.

Now its time to pass the tag on!  Simply answer the questions left by the blogger you were tagged by and tag 10 fellow bloggers to answer the questions of your choice.(You don’t have to stick with these ones)

I nominate:

Beautiful breakable

Pores for Thought

Brisbane Fashion Blog

Makeup brushes, Clothes & Passion

Living Life With Joy

What Nina Spotted


Polka Dots and Curry


Sustainable Daisy

Here are the questions:

  1. What’s your current obsession?
  2. What do you think is the best quality in a person?
  3. Are you adventurous when it comes to makeup/fashion?
  4. Your top 5 beauty products?
  5. What do you like most about blogging?
  6. Where are you originally from?
  7. If you would be the C.E.O of any brand for one day, what would it be?
  8. When did you start wearing makeup?
  9. If you were stranded on an abandoned island and you had only choice to choose one person next to you, who would it be? Why?
  10. What carrier path you are looking at?
  11. What inspires you for keep on going for blogging?

Look forward to reading your answers guys!

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