
Hi guys,

It feels like forever since i last posted. This year it was one of my goals to consistently upload content to my Blog/YouTube channel…a goal which i have successfully FLOPPED at to say the least. But anyways, i thought it was high time i break the silence and fill you all in with a little Life Update.

The truth is I’ve been on a little journey of self discovery, not exactly by choice mind you. This year, life has been majorly impacted by various events, leading to some serious soul searching, and a genuine desire to get my act together.

Dealing with a loss

Death. Life’s harsh reality in reminding us that nobody is promised tomorrow. I know this subject is quite bleak and that’s why i pretty much wanted to address it first and get it over with.  As some of you may know from reading my last post, I’ve been dealing with the loss of my Nan. From frequent visits to my Nan’s care home in Milton Keynes to suddenly finding the words to pay tribute at her funeral…Life simply changed. It’s been a hard period in mine and my family’s life. I seem to have grasped the concept of death more over the past two years than ever before in my life! But still…we go on. No, I’ve not mastered how to ‘deal with it’ nor would i say ‘I’ve moved on’… i’m simply learning how to push on, despite the pain.

Hungry for Success

All i can say is that now, more than ever before…i am Hungry for Success. Every once and a while life has a funny way of reminding you that you really are stronger than you feel. Sometimes, it takes battling through a tough situation to reveal that inner strength…and i don’t know about you, but the more i’m coming to grips with my inner warrior… its pretty much game over for fear.

I Came to Win

No, i’m not bigging myself up. Nor am i saying that i’m about to take over the world (don’t doubt my abilities though okurr)… but what i am saying is that at this stage in my life, something great is generating in my journey. Power. I’m making  I Make a conscious effort to tap into my strengths daily. Whether it be as little as stating positive affirmations in the morning (stating positive facts about yourself, e.g ‘I am brave, i am powerful…etc) to facing fears and pushing past my anxiety. I am only as great as i allow myself to be…and who says that the limitations have to be capped so tightly?

Whether you are a ‘Faith without works is dead’ or ‘Hard work beats talent if talent doesn’t work hard’ type of person, know this…it still takes stepping out in order to reach your goals. And i don’t know about you, but i think i’d prefer to run towards mines!


How did this post turn into  a little preachathon btw? I think it’s been brewing inside of me for quite some time now that i just need to Do Better. Not just speak it, not just advise it…but actually do better. You can call it having an epiphany, but at my big age of 24 (bruuuh) I’ve just got to the point where i’m ready to disrupt the norm.

Be your own Cheerleader

Sometimes, you really have got to be your own cheerleader in this life. Yes, i have supportive people around me and yes the motivational talks are laaavely, but i can’t depend on others to get me to the next stage. If you want to advance to your purpose in life, whatever it may be…then its time to Level up.

Procrastination and coasting were two of my biggest culprits, i’ll be honest. But being successful and making my Nan proud is a combined force not to be reckoned with. I dare you to go ahead and try though, just for lols.

Next chapter, to be continued…

Why I’ve been quiet on the blogging scene

Hey all,

Considering my last post was titled ‘How I deal with anxiety/ finding your mojo’ its safe to stay I’ve fallen off of my own bandwagon. Let me explain…

About 2-3 years ago I started blogging, fresh with ideas, stars in my eyes packed with hope and ambition. I’d always wanted to get into writing, a passion that developed from a love of reading when I was younger. I’ve always admired the ways in which the rights words if put together effectively, can transport you into another world…a sense of escapism. And for a period of time, that’s exactly what blogging became to me.

By posting blogs, this always allowed me to reign in this eagerness I had to be creative and reflect it with meaningful content. I felt my writing had purpose and just to receive views and positive comments was amazing to me. It made me feel happy and gave me a sense of contempt knowing that some people liked what I had to say.

At some point things started to shift for me. As I have gotten older, its safe to say Life became real. Leaving school, job applications, making money… priorities have definitely changed. I’d chosen not to go to university to instead start focusing on making money straight away. The passion for hobbies such as blogging seemed to have faded somewhere in amongst all of that.

Sometimes I wonder if that would have been the ultimate game changer for me, had I of gone to uni, would i be in my dream job role, in a much happier position?  Would that happiness be enough fuel to drive my creative ambitions and commit to my hobbies? And could that drive towards my hobbies have lead me to amazing opportunities?

SLAP IN THE FACE TIME. There is no right or wrong answer. All this anxiety built up I have to admit is sometimes self inflicted and can honestly be so draining. I’m starting to accept the fact that everyone’s path is crafted uniquely for them and them only. Social media has a big impact on my level of productiveness i have to admit. At times i find myself completely caught up with what ‘the perfect lifestyle’ is due to all the ideas and images being pushed upon us as a society. I’ve touched on this subject in my recent video called ’10 ways to kickstart your day/how to stay motivated’ This is the type of content I’d like to get back to.

I’m happy to say that I am going to get back into blogging again. My aim is to get back into producing content on here, experiment with different styles of writing, work on projects and spark an all round area of interest for readers. I’m excited to tap back into that driven mentality I originally had and look forward to posting more often!


= )